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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries




Neo members participated in the Ph.D. committees of (in alphabetical order):

George Arvanitakis, “An Analytical Model for Flow-level Performance in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, Télécom ParisTech, 27 September 2017, (S. Alouf as jury member)

Victor Bucarey López, “Addressing Problem Size in Stackelberg Security Games”, Univ. of Chile, 1 September 2017, (A. Jean-Marie as jury member)

Justina Gianatti, “Métodos numéricos para resolver problemas de control óptimo”, National Univ. of Rosario, 30 October 2017, (A. Jean-Marie as jury member)

Arun Kadavankandy, “Spectral analysis of random graphs with application to clustering and sampling”, Univ. Côte d'Azur, 18 July 2017, (A. Jean-Marie as jury president)

Christelle Rovetta, “Simulation parfaite de réseaux fermés de files d’attente et génération aléatoire de structures combinatoires”, Univ. Paris Sciences Lettres, 20 June 2017, (A. Jean-Marie as reviewer)

Luigi Vigneri, “Vehicles as a Mobile Cloud: Modelling, Optimization and Performance Analysis”, Univ. Côte d'Azur, 11 July 2017, (G. Neglia as jury member)

Jingjing Zhang, “Interplay between caching, feedback and topology in the wireless broadcast channel”, Télécom ParisTech, 26 April 2017, (K. Avrachenkov as jury president)